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Xinchun Wang
Associate Professor, Marketing


Selected Publications:

Wu, W., Wang, H., & Wang, X. (2022). Entrepreneur narcissism and new venture performance: A learning perspective. Journal of Business Research , 149, 901-915.

Yu, X., & Wang, X. (2021). The effects of entrepreneurial bricolage and alternative resources on new venture capabilities: evidence from China. Journal of Business Research , 137, 527-537.

Wei, R., Wang, X., & Chang, Y. (2021). The effects of platform governance mechanisms on customer participation in supplier new product development. Journal of Business Research , 137, 475-487.

Xinchun Wang and Tianyang Lou (2020), " The Effect of Performance Feedback on Firms’ Unplanned Marketing Investments," Journal of Business Research , 118, 441-451.

Xinchun Wang, Yanhui Zhao, and Limin Hou (2020), " How does Green Innovation Affect Supplier-Customer Relationships? A Study on Customer and Relationship Contingencies," Industrial Marketing Management , 90 , 170-180.

Xinchun Wang, Mayukh Dass, Dennis B. Arnett, and Xiaoyu Yu (2020), “ Understanding Firms’ Relative Strategic Emphases: An Entrepreneurial Orientation Explanation ,” Industrial Marketing Management , 84, 151-164.

Chubing Zhang, Xinchun Wang, Annie Cui, and Shenghao Han (2020), " Linking big data analytical intelligence to customer relationship management performance,"  Industrial Marketing Management , 91, 483-494.

Yu Chang, Xinchun Wang, and Annie P. Cui (2019), “ Soloing the Innovation Problem in State-owned Firms: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and High-Commitment HR Practices,” Industrial Marketing Management , 83, 239-250.

Yu Chang, Xinchun Wang, and Dennis B. Arnett (2018), “ Enhancing Firm Performance: The Role of Brand Orientation in Business-to-Business Marketing ,”  Industrial Marketing Management ,  72 , 17-25.

Tao Zhang and Xinchun Wang (2018), “ The Impact of Fairness Concern on the Three-party Supply Chain Coordination,” Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 99-115.

Xinchun Wang and Mayukh Dass (2017), “ Building Innovation Capability: The Role of Top Management Innovativeness and Firm Resources ,”  Journal of Business Research , 76, 127-135.